
Simeya is a Loyalty Rewards Network platform using applications you are familiar with to build your network.

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447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #1256
New York, NY 10013
+1 (347) 513-2160

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Simeya Network Sharing

A company turning ideas into beautiful things.

Sharing Network Marketing for engaging your network.

We have established a long-term relationships with our users.

Simeya Platform Sharing Feature

The Simeya platform introduces a unique and collaborative Sharing Feature, enabling members to expand their networks while earning rewards. This document provides a comprehensive breakdown of the feature, highlighting its functionality, benefits, and user experience.

1. Overview of the Sharing Feature:

Request sharing: Send a request to another member to share their network.

Respond to sharing requests: Reply to incoming requests from other members.

This feature encourages collaboration, engagement, and growth within the Simeya community, fostering an environment of mutual benefit.

Simeya Platform Sharing Feature

The Simeya platform introduces a unique and collaborative Sharing Feature, enabling members to expand their networks while earning rewards. This document provides a comprehensive breakdown of the feature, highlighting its functionality, benefits, and user experience.

1. Overview of the Sharing Feature:

Request sharing: Send a request to another member to share their network.

2. Key Functionalities

2.1 Request Sharing

Members can initiate a sharing request by specifying the type of content they wish to share. This may include:

  • Posts
  • Videos
  • Messaging templates
  • Social media contentx


    2. Key Functionalities

    2.1 Request Sharing


    2.2 Respond to Sharing Requests

    Members can review and respond to incoming sharing requests. They may choose to:

    • Accept the request and proceed with sharing.
    • Decline the request with or without providing a reason.

      2.3 Rewards for Sharing

      Members who actively share content with their networks will earn rewards. These rewards could be:

      • Points within the Simeya reward system.
      • Badges or recognition for active participation.Tangible benefits such as discounts or platform credits.

        2.4 Revoke Sharing

        Members can revoke any sharing arrangement at any time. Once revoked:

        • The sharing agreement will be terminated.
        • The member’s content will no longer be shared by the other party.

          3. Privacy and Security

          • No personal contact information of members’ networks is visible to others.
          • Shared content is limited to specific requests and agreements.
          • Members retain full control over their sharing agreements and can revoke them anytime.

          4. Benefits of the Sharing Feature

          4.1 For Members:

          • Enhanced Network Reach: Members can extend their content’s reach to broader audiences.
          • Collaborative Growth: Build meaningful relationships by supporting one another.
          • Incentives: Earn rewards while contributing to the community.
          • 4.2 For the Community:

            • Increased Engagement: Active sharing fosters a vibrant, interactive environment.
            • Improved Content Quality: Members are motivated to create share-worthy content.

            5. Examples of Use Cases

            • 5.1 Sharing an Email Campaign
              A member creates an email campaign and requests another member to share it with their network. The second member reviews and agrees to share the campaign, earning rewards.
            • 5.2 Promoting a Video
              A member uploads a promotional video and requests other members to share it on their social media platforms. Multiple members accept the request, significantly increasing the video’s reach.
            • 5.3 Collaborative Review
              A member requests feedback on a draft campaign before sharing it with a broader audience. Another member reviews the campaign, suggests edits, and assists in optimizing its effectiveness.
            • 6. How to Use the Sharing Feature

              • Step 1: Navigate to the Sharing Section
                Access the Sharing Feature from the Simeya dashboard.
              • Step 2: Select Action
                Choose to request sharing or review incoming requests.
              • Step 3: Complete the Process
                Provide required details for the request.
                Accept or decline incoming requests.
              • Step 4: Manage Sharing Agreements
                Track active agreements and revoke them if necessary

              7. Conclusion

              The Simeya Sharing Feature is designed to empower members to grow their networks, collaborate effectively, and earn rewards while maintaining privacy and control. This feature embodies the core values of community and mutual support, making it an integral part of the Simeya platform experience.


Simeya Benefits

Take advantage of Simeya's Benefits.


Promote your business amd / or organization.


Invite your contacts and grow your network


Earn cashback and reward points

Get In Touch

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.

447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #1256, New York, NY 10013

+1 (347) 513 2160

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